Document Scanning.

Streamline your document management process with DocR’s bulk document scanning services. Digitise large volumes of documents quickly and accurately to improve accessibility, reduce clutter, and enhance productivity.

Enhance Efficiency and Accessibility with Bulk Document Scanning Solutions.

In today’s digital age, the ability to access and manage vast quantities of documents efficiently is crucial for businesses of all sizes. With our bulk document scanning services, you can transform your paper-based documents into easily accessible digital files, empowering your organization to streamline workflows, reduce storage costs, and enhance productivity.

Why Choose Bulk Document Scanning Services? Managing large volumes of paper documents can be time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors. Traditional document storage methods are not only inefficient but also pose security risks and compliance challenges. However, with DocR’s bulk document scanning services, you can overcome these obstacles and unlock numerous benefits for your organisation.

Key Benefits of Our Bulk Document Scanning Solutions.

Rapid Digitization.

Our advanced scanning technology enables us to digitise large volumes of documents quickly and accurately, allowing you to access critical information within minutes.

Improved Access.

Say goodbye to rummaging through filing cabinets or stacks of paper. Store your digitised documents in our secure, searchable cloud, making it easy to retrieve information withn a few clicks.

Space Savings.

Free up valuable office space by eliminating the need for bulky filing cabinets. Our bulk document scanning services help reduce clutter and optimise your physical workspace.

Enhance Security.

Protect sensitive information and maintain compliance with data privacy regulations. Our secure scanning process ensures that your documents are handled with the utmost confidentiality and care.

Cost Efficiency.

Save time and money on document storage, retrieval, and management. Our bulk document scanning services offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional paper-based storage methods.


Adopting a paperless approach helps reduce paper consumption, leading to environmental benefits such as conserving trees and reducing carbon emissions associated with paper production.

How Our Bulk Document Scanning Services Work.

We tailor our bulk document scanning services to meet the unique needs of your organization. Read through our process, or check out our video!

Document Packing & Collection.

Our team will arrive on site fully prepared to securely pack your documents for their journey back to our secure document archive storage areas. Where they will be recorded, tracked and stored by our team while they await scanning.

Document Preparation.

Our expert team carefully prepares your documents for scanning, removing staples, paper clips, and other obstructions and binding materials. They ensure all records are in tact and ready to go through our state-of-the-art scanners.

High Speed Scanning.

Using state-of-the-art high speed scanners, we digitise your documents in bulk, ensuring high-quality scans with minimal turnaround time. Our scanners can get through hundreds of pages per minute!

Indexing & Organisation.

After careful consideration, each digitised document is indexed and categorised according to your specifications, making it easy to organise and retrieve information.

Quality Control.

Our stringent quality control measures ensure that every scanned document meets our high standards of accuracy and clarity. We see each image as it goes through the scanner, allowing our operators to spot bad scans. They are checked against the original, and if necessary rescanned! 

Data Delivery.

Once scanning is complete, we use our cloud services to deliver the digitised documents to you in your preferred format, whether it’s PDF, TIFF, or another file type.